Thursday 31 March 2011

Search of the missing pieces.

Oh! I'm in trouble
We bought a while ago a new Book of Mormon Stories puzzle. I am trying to teach Levi about what we believe. Reading the scriptures ,is not working so well. There's not enough pictures in them, so I thought I give it a try with something more visual. Plus , he is only 1 year old.
I strongly believe that you should know what you believe and NOT believing just because someone told you so. Levi will not have blind faith.
I love the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints for many reasons. We are thought, we are asked to seek for ourselves and challenged to pray to know if all things we are taught are true. We cannot live on someone's testimony or belief. I will teach him and he will have to search, pray and ponder for himself. I don't expect him to make any decisions now but once he is old enough.

I was 13 years old when I made my decision to become a member of the church. It was mine to take. I'm sure my parents worried and I do now. I can only guide and love him.

Yesterday, my wonderful husband found a missing piece of the puzzle in the bathroom garbage. I have been looking for over 24 hours and nothing. We are missing 2 pieces. I wonder, if I accidentally threw out the other pieces and not noticing them in the garbage bin. Oh Levi! Mommy still loves you.
And the search will still go on.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

New Beginning!!!

Mixed feelings.
Let's be honest, how do you or did you feel about blogging before YOU started???
This is my second attempt to start a blog. I was all for it at first. I do, already, carry out a journal on my computer, with pictures and all. I thought it would be nice if I did online. Once I started, I soon realized that I "suck" at making the blog all pretty with tons of pics, characters , fancy heading, blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean. It was taking lots of my time and I was basically neglecting my baby and husband. O.C.D much, eh!?!?!
Once, I realized the affect on me and others I love, I just quit!!!

Why I am back you say???
This time, I'm doing it right. I don't need to be fancy just keeping it simple. The saying goes "Less is More".
 I hope this is a great opportunity to speak my mind, reflect and learn from others. Looking forward to all your comments or not.