Thursday 30 June 2011

He knows!!!

I caught Levi in his room with the bottom dresser drawer opened and emptied on the floor. He knows how to open drawers and jars. He didn't stop there, he opened the kitchen drawers and emptied what he could, while mommy was trying to pick up the rest. ARG... and thumbs up for you baby, you're so smart. It does mean more work, to tidy things up but it was meant to happen.
Levi has been saying new words, two of my favorites this week is "please" and "mango". He is now enjoying trying to blow bubbles, coloring, playing in puddles and using his utensils and cup. For comfort he has been sucking on his bottom lip and touching his and my belly button.
 Ben, my wonderful husband. He made a toy wooden chest for Levi's toys. Amazing! I showed my dad and ,said he needed one too. Its a light wood with a padded blue leather seat/cover, that matches perfectly with his bed comforter. He is talented. He is soon going to finish his summer courses and finally get somewhat break from it all. Levi's father's day gift to daddy was peeing on the toilet seat, one drop might have gone in the toilet.
As for me ,my tummy is growing. If you didn't know me well enough, you'd think I was fat but really its a baby bump. I have geared up on summer clothes, yoga shorts, and one bigger t-shirts. Pregnancy has been better to me, less barfing but more blotting and other unpleasant things. Our bathroom is cleaned regularly, almost every day, it needs to because I'm spending lots of time there. I'm excited and looking forward to that first ultrasound to see our baby and to know if its a girl or a boy. I like to ask Levi where the baby is, he points to my belly. He will soon be the Big Brother.

Friday 17 June 2011

Brain Freeze!

Have you heard of the great sale at Costco? Jumbo freezes on sale. Woohoo! It has been a hot summer and I have been craving freezes. Levi loves them and for the first time today, had his first brain freeze. Ouch but hilarious at the same time.
By the way, we're pregnant. We are so happy and in disbelief. My family and others are cheering for a girl. It really doesn't matter girl or boy, either way he or she will be super cute and super loved. We are again expecting a winter baby. How am I feeling? For those who remember my first pregnancy, I was having diarrhea and I was barfing at the same time, appetite got smaller and craved for fruits, tomatoes and Nutella. This time, it's dry heaving, occasional barfing, diarrhea again, blotting, need to go to the bathroom regularly. For foods fruits, tomatoes and Nutella are still a must , and my new craving for Freezes.
I have to say, I have been praying more often to my Heavenly Father to help me cope with it all, so I can take care of Levi. Prayers have been answered and my doctor has recommended drugs, but those will have to pass. I survived with my first pregnancy without using any drugs and now, I will try my best not to use them again. I am grateful for modern medicine but only in desperate needs and as recommended by your doctor. I'm not desperate yet! Ben has been wonderful as always, helping me out with everything and been sympathetic. I love him, he is a wonderful husband and great father.
"Still want 5 kids?", I get this question often and I do ask myself the same, "Can I really do this another 3 times after this little bundle of joy comes??? I don't know, but I did a few hours after my first baby. I said "One down, four more to go." My mother-in-laws answer to my reply was "Bless your heart".
I am scared of a few things for this pregnancy: natural labor instead of C-section, 3 first months of sleepless nights and baby blues, constipation and recovery. I think pregnancy is not the tough part , its the afterward ....DA...DA....DAaaa. Besides my fears , I am so grateful once that baby is out. You feel this flow of love just overcome you and feel so happy and grateful to be its mom. Motherhood is so amazing. I love to be a mom. I have tears just thinking about it, 6 months to go.
Other great news, my best-friend Virginia is back with her family and hope , they are staying for good. My brother will be visiting us in July for two weeks and by August I should know if I'm having a boy a a girl.

Life is great!

Sunday 5 June 2011


This week has been super busy and overwhelming for my poor husband. Sadly, that is life and time will not stop for anyone so they can get a break. Aside from all obligations and responsibilities, family support must be felt.

Yesterday, I was not feeling too well. I'm not sick, just felt blah, tired , not comfortable in my own body. Ben was tired from his 8 hour shift, standing for that period of time with no air conditioning in the building. Plus he worked 28  hours this week , is taking 2 classes, one of them is a 3 hour lecture twice a week. He has had no days off and is currently working today, Sunday. I wish they would respect him more and honor his desire to keep the Sabbath day Holy. Basically he was tired.
We debated on whom should go and get some groceries or give Levi a bath and do his night routine.  I was certainly not bugging in about going out, so we agreed on just eating what we had.  Levi is not a choice, plus we LOVE him so much,  of course we will care for him. I finally started to get Levi ready when Ben said: I'll go and get some groceries.
Once Ben came back he handed Levi a Hotwheels' car and me, a magazine + chocolate covered almonds. He said these gifts is to show us that he appreciate and loves us. How sweet. I haven't been craving chocolate covered almonds but they are my favorites. Thanks Honey! We appreciate you too.

Second story. Last week I taught about prayer and had 3 activities during our 40 minutes lesson. We had fun. At the end I asked my kids: "Do you like my lessons?" -"Yes Sister Cole!!!" That made my day. I've been teaching in Primary for over 2 years. Let me tell ya, I have learned lots and still am. I thought that I was just filling in a calling that it really wasn't meant for me. I was wrong, I'm glad that I was.
This week, the lesson was about the Holy Ghost. I organized a scavenger hunt for my class, as a gesture of my appreciation for their appreciation for me. I had 5 rules.
1.Not aloud to speak unless asked to speak
2.No running in the church
3.Running is aloud outside of the church building
4.We must all stick together
5.If rules are broken, all must go and sit in Sharing time for the last 2 hours of meetings.
I was very stern and clear about all the rules. Rules were repeated many times before the hunt. Class had 3 chances or else.
The kids seemed to enjoy the lesson, and I didn't need to stop the lesson because of broken rules. This was a success. Hurray!!

Levi was impressive too. He stayed in nursery for a whole 15 minutes by himself, no Gramma. She has been taking him, he is just too busy for Sunday school and Relief Society. He will be there, once he turns 18 moths. Our baby boy is growing up.
This week has been nice and sunny. We've had lots of fun going to the park and picnic with the Coolest Mommy group, Devyn's birthday party, hanging out with Grammy, gardening with Carolyn, going to the park with daddy.

 Life is wonderful. 

Remember to appreciate and love one another.