Saturday, 7 May 2011

Cookie Monster to the rescue.

Fifteen month anniversary Levi! This month is important for my little boy. It was time again for him to receive his immunization shots. I have been bringing  him to his every appointment. I am grateful for modern medicine but not for his cries and tears after his injections. He was pricked with 2 needles on each arm at the the same time. I had him sitting on my lap and holding his little hands. He was trying to let loose as soon as he felt the needles go in. As you know, flexing your muscles makes the pain worsen. He had crocodile tears running down but I changed him right away and sang the Cookie Monster song. The one that goes " C is for cookie, its good enough for me...cookie, cookie, cookie, starts with C" His frown turned into a smile right away. Of course, I did have cookies to reward him for his bravery. He honestly only cried for a minute. I don't think it was my horrible singing that made him smile but the message of the song. Cookie does start with C and Levi loves cookies.
The nurse said he was a happy boy , brave, and he apparently looks like Keanu Reeves.

Other good news, Ben received his final marks for this semester and has done wonderfully. He has an A average in University. Woohoo! We are so proud of him. That's my man.


  1. awe poor kiddo!! seems like a total trooper way to go levi :)

  2. I just came across your blog...I am excited to keep up with your life...keep blogging and I will keep reading. Poor Levi...what a tough little man!
