Wednesday, 22 February 2023



Brave are those who decide 
to be parents

by Diana Cole

One of the most popular children's make-belief games is playing 'house'. Do you remember those days? Which character were you? Were you imitating a parent or a sibling, maybe a  grandma or grandpa? 

Families are an essential part of society. It is common knowledge to know and understand , the first lessons will be taught in your home. 

M Russell Ballard an esclessiastical leader once said: "What we do and what we teach in our homes and in our families matters." from a talk called The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood.  ://

When in your life did you know you wanted to be a parent?

For my husband it was at the age of 8 years old. 

He was fortunate to grow in a loving home and have good role models to imitate. He grew up with security and love. 

I truly feel parenthood fulfilling the basic needs of life to a child and teaching them about being a good contributing citizen and have faith is really what Heavenly Father desires for each of his His children.

My childhood was very different. I had instability, insecurity, fear, unconditional love from one parent and only one friend, my brother. Just sad. 
Can you guess if I ever thought about being a parent. Before even thinking about parenting , I thought : "I may or may not marry but if I do , that would be nice" Very little hope.

I did get married to a loving man who became a great parent. After being married I had this strong feeling of when I was ready to start a family. It was a joint decision and consent. No regrets.

We are tired, grumpy some time, but oh so happy to have our kids.

One day our kids will understand and need to make the decision of parenthood.