We've been around and busy. Ben has been working so hard at school, more than I ever seen him work. He went for 2 weeks with about 3 to 5 hours of sleep a day. He must have written over 50 pages of essays and it didn't help that I was working. We were truly blessed by having my in-laws help us with the kids and driving us around.
When the holidays came we were still busy. I worked every day except for Sundays. Ben was now a different kind of busy and exhausted with more hours to sleep.
Christmas was gReat! My parents came for a few days and spoiled our kids. Amaya was in arms the whole time by my family. We managed to squeeze in Amaya's birthday party while my family was still in town.We had her party in the morning, made it a Brunch Party. Amaya is so girly, she didn't devour her birthday cupcake but picked it with her pincers slowly. She gently opened her presents and wanted to share the rapping with Carolyn. She received beautiful things from everyone. We are so grateful for all. We finished on time and I ran off to work right after. I was bummed that I had my family for such a short time but we enjoyed every minute.
We continued to celebrate the Holidays with Aunt Jenny, Carolyn and Bob, by going bowling. It was so much fun, we had horrible scores and much laughter. We played 5 pins bowling, made it easier for Levi to pick up the ball. We had him sitting down with his legs wide open, and pushed the ball. It rolled very slowly. One time Levi rolled the ball, the bowling pin stopped the ball from tipping it over. It was hilarious.
Second semester started again. Ben is so excited and so am I. We will be able to have a routine, plan activities and have dinner together at least 4 times a week. I enjoy working but I would not like to work full-time. I feel that I would miss out on my kids. For those who have said " enjoy your time with your little ones now, because its only for a short time" . It is very true. Levi will be 3 next month and Amaya is already 1. I love my kids and my husband. I'm grateful to have my eternal family.
Today's story. We went to see Grammy. On our way to her apartment a few elderly people were chatting in the lobby. We were getting in the elevator when Levi says "Mommy, mommy there's old people there. " I kept pushing the close button , it would not close as fast as I wanted it to and Levi kept saying OLD, over and over again. Oh dear. He surprises me, how he knows opposites (young/old, women/girl,men/women, big /small, right/left and so forth)
Amaya can now stand on her own, still half crawling and scooting, babbles, sings ,mimics sounds, is pointing all the time, gives kisses and gives the best hugs. She is now eating wheat but is still allergic to diary.
I love been a mommy of these two adorable and hilarious kids.
More adventures to come...